Stories by William C. Greenwalt

The Navy secretary’s misguided war on profits

The Navy secretary’s misguided war on profits
The Navy secretary’s misguided war on profits

In this op-ed, Bill Greenwalt of AEI pushes back on Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro’s recent criticisms of industry.

The mythical national security argument for protecting the steel industry

The mythical national security argument for protecting the steel industry
The mythical national security argument for protecting the steel industry

In this op-ed, William C. Greenwalt argues that American-made steel is not as imperative to the defense industry as it once was.

Don’t buy into Buy America: Congress must drop provisions from final NDAA

Don’t buy into Buy America: Congress must drop provisions from final NDAA
Don’t buy into Buy America: Congress must drop provisions from final NDAA

“Protectionists and isolationists in both chambers have decided to up the ante this year on the NDAA,” writes analyst Bill Greenwalt in this new op-ed.