Stories by Seth J. Frantzman

Israeli Air Force struck 31,000 targets in four months of war

Israeli Air Force struck 31,000 targets in four months of war
Israeli Air Force struck 31,000 targets in four months of war

New government numbers show roughly 228 targets struck by airstrikes every day of the conflict, significantly more than any previous IDF effort.

As Israel aims for more ‘focused’ operations in Gaza, key questions remain for endgame

As Israel aims for more ‘focused’ operations in Gaza, key questions remain for endgame
As Israel aims for more ‘focused’ operations in Gaza, key questions remain for endgame

“I think there is a danger this could end up being just another big round” of fighting, Chuck Freilich, a former Israeli deputy national security advisor, told Breaking Defense.

Amid war, top Israeli defense official visits US, eyeing ‘advanced platforms and capabilities’

Amid war, top Israeli defense official visits US, eyeing ‘advanced platforms and capabilities’
Amid war, top Israeli defense official visits US, eyeing ‘advanced platforms and capabilities’

A senior Israeli official met with Pentagon acquisition officials and executives for American defense giants Boeing and Lockheed Martin, the Israeli Ministry of Defense said.

As Israel and Hezbollah fight heats up, France takes on role of mediator

As Israel and Hezbollah fight heats up, France takes on role of mediator
As Israel and Hezbollah fight heats up, France takes on role of mediator

France’s ambassador to Israel, Frederic Journes, told Breaking Defense that Paris is “sparing no efforts,” “engaging all actors.”

Gaza conflict is proving ground for Israel’s new high-tech Multidimensional Unit

Gaza conflict is proving ground for Israel’s new high-tech Multidimensional Unit
Gaza conflict is proving ground for Israel’s new high-tech Multidimensional Unit

“We get it [new technology] first, and we make sure it is viable in the field,” Sgt. Maj. A. told Breaking Defense.

With 7-ton resupply of water to troops in Gaza, IDF shows precision airdrop capability

With 7-ton resupply of water to troops in Gaza, IDF shows precision airdrop capability
With 7-ton resupply of water to troops in Gaza, IDF shows precision airdrop capability

Analysts told Breaking Defense the mission could be a test case for potential future, long-range operations in the region.

Israel sends new, advanced Sa’ar 6 warship to Red Sea

Israel sends new, advanced Sa’ar 6 warship to Red Sea
Israel sends new, advanced Sa’ar 6 warship to Red Sea

The ship enters a hostile area where drones and missiles fired by the Houthi group in Yemen have targeted commercial vessels and southern Israeli city.

55 days of war: The Israel-Gaza conflict by the numbers

55 days of war: The Israel-Gaza conflict by the numbers
55 days of war: The Israel-Gaza conflict by the numbers

The conflict has caused an incalculable amount of human suffering, but other hard numbers can tell part of the story.

Israel finalizes Arrow 3 deal with Germany, aims for late 2025 delivery

Israel finalizes Arrow 3 deal with Germany, aims for late 2025 delivery
Israel finalizes Arrow 3 deal with Germany, aims for late 2025 delivery

The Arrow 3, the top layer of Israel’s air defense net, recently made its first ever operational interception amid the conflict in Gaza.

How Israel’s shift to CENTCOM is paying off during Gaza conflict

How Israel’s shift to CENTCOM is paying off during Gaza conflict
How Israel’s shift to CENTCOM is paying off during Gaza conflict

In 2021, Israel shifted from being tied to EUCOM to CENTCOM. That’s proving important during the Gaza conflict, analysts say.

New tech plays role in Gaza war, but not to level Israel once envisioned

New tech plays role in Gaza war, but not to level Israel once envisioned
New tech plays role in Gaza war, but not to level Israel once envisioned

“When technology replaces humans, it comes at the cost of dulling human intuition and research capabilities and a disconnection between human soldiers and the battlefield,” Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler of the Israel Democracy Institute said.

Arrow 3 air defense system notches first successful intercept

Arrow 3 air defense system notches first successful intercept
Arrow 3 air defense system notches first successful intercept

“The interceptor effectively intercepted a target launched towards Israel in the Red Sea region,” the IDF said in a statement about the Arrow 3’s first successful intercept.

Israel uses F-35I to shoot down cruise missile, a first for Joint Strike Fighter

Israel uses F-35I to shoot down cruise missile, a first for Joint Strike Fighter
Israel uses F-35I to shoot down cruise missile, a first for Joint Strike Fighter

While this is the first known use of an F-35 to take down an incoming missile, the concept, at least on paper, is not new.

In first, Israel’s Arrow 2 air defense system intercepts ballistic missile near Red Sea: IDF

In first, Israel’s Arrow 2 air defense system intercepts ballistic missile near Red Sea: IDF
In first, Israel’s Arrow 2 air defense system intercepts ballistic missile near Red Sea: IDF

The Arrow 2 system is the highest layer of Jerusalem’s air defense array, which also includes the Iron Dome.

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