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How the Army plans to make enterprise-wide training a reality

How the Army plans to make enterprise-wide training a reality
How the Army plans to make enterprise-wide training a reality

In addition to training, the Army’s $3.5B program called Warfighter Training and Readiness Solutions will bring an enterprise approach to the sustainment and maintenance of training systems.

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Secure cloud networking: The key to multi-domain operations

Secure cloud networking: The key to multi-domain operations
Secure cloud networking: The key to multi-domain operations

Counter-UAS, ISR sensors, autonomous platforms all depend on truly secure cloud computing.

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Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud

Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud
Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud

MDO requires operations at the tactical edge and cloud is the transport that makes it possible.

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Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles

Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles
Airborne EW: Dominating the spectrum to win battles

It takes a layered defense plan to be survivable, which means jammers to disable, deceive, and disrupt, along with onboard self-protect and off-board decoys.

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How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data

How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data
How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data

It’s not just about what one image of Earth can reveal, it’s about what a series of images through time in one location can tell you.

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A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net

A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net
A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net

DroneHunter is a no-to-low collateral damage, counter-UAS system that shoots different types of nets at drone threats, and can bring them down intact in order to exploit them.

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Earth’s a big world with secrets to reveal to those who can sense and make sense of it

Earth’s a big world with secrets to reveal to those who can sense and make sense of it
Earth’s a big world with secrets to reveal to those who can sense and make sense of it

With Planet’s AI/ML tools and 50 petabytes of Earth-observation data, users can easily search through the archive to find the needles in the haystack.

The state of European security is about procurement, interoperability, and air and missile defense

The state of European security is about procurement, interoperability, and air and missile defense
The state of European security is about procurement, interoperability, and air and missile defense

Responding to threats to European and NATO security, nations are buying fifth-generation fighters and standoff weapons.

3-to-5 years from now is the danger time when the US could face both China and Russia

3-to-5 years from now is the danger time when the US could face both China and Russia
3-to-5 years from now is the danger time when the US could face both China and Russia

RUSI’s Justin Bronk has an idea of what Europe should be doing to help the US in the Indo-Pacific, and it doesn’t include sending the Charles De Gaulle.

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The state of air dominance in Europe and what the air chiefs say they need to stay ahead of the threat

The state of air dominance in Europe and what the air chiefs say they need to stay ahead of the threat
The state of air dominance in Europe and what the air chiefs say they need to stay ahead of the threat

Gen. (ret) Jeff “Cobra” Harrigian, recently retired commander of US Air Forces Europe and Africa, describes the European battlespace and what’s on the minds of the air chiefs as Ukraine defends itself.

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RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence

RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence
RAIVEN: Sensing at the edge and beyond the pixel with embedded hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence

For Future Vertical Lift, the Army wants new and innovative technology that transforms their platforms into advanced weapons systems. One such technology is Raytheon Technologies’ revolutionary RAIVEN Turret 1000, first in a new family of EO/IR systems.

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Against near-peers, unmanned systems must maintain autonomy even when contested

Against near-peers, unmanned systems must maintain autonomy even when contested
Against near-peers, unmanned systems must maintain autonomy even when contested

Continued operation in RF environments — whether that’s GPS denial or communications disruption — is arguably the number-one requirement for overmatch against near peers.

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Today’s defense environment demands integrated systems, and JADC2 is no different

Today’s defense environment demands integrated systems, and JADC2 is no different
Today’s defense environment demands integrated systems, and JADC2 is no different

The key is creating intelligent gateways that connect networks and the cloud across security domains and translate data so the joint services can speak the same language

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Innovations and open systems pace FVL and the current fleet

Innovations and open systems pace FVL and the current fleet
Innovations and open systems pace FVL and the current fleet

Innovative integration approaches and open systems architecture can bring revolutionary improvements to the performance of FLRAA and FARA, as well as the current fleet.