German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense

German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense
German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius encouraged allies, including the US, to “arrive” at military expenditure of 3 percent GDP – though declined to put forward a timeline for such change to occur.

NATO signs off on $5.5 billion contract for hundreds of Patriot missiles

NATO signs off on $5.5 billion contract for hundreds of Patriot missiles
NATO signs off on $5.5 billion contract for hundreds of Patriot missiles

If all options are exercised under the contract, the European nations will buy a combined total of 1,000 Patriot Guidance Enhanced Missiles (GEM-T), according to manufacturer RTX.

Neutral nations Austria and Switzerland agree to join European Sky Shield Initiative

Neutral nations Austria and Switzerland agree to join European Sky Shield Initiative
Neutral nations Austria and Switzerland agree to join European Sky Shield Initiative

Switzerland made clear that it will “examine” areas where co-operation can be strengthened, with a plan to specifically address information exchange and training for the US-made Patriot air defense system, of which it ordered five units in June 2021.