German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense

German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense
German Defense Minister: Restart conscription, pursue 3 percent GDP on defense

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius encouraged allies, including the US, to “arrive” at military expenditure of 3 percent GDP – though declined to put forward a timeline for such change to occur.

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Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

Military innovation and savings: Go commercial
Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

DoD uses FAR Part 12 acquisitions to save hundreds of millions of dollars in “of a type” systems like civil landing systems with applicability to military aircraft.

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How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS
How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

Overmatch is fleeting and while traditional acquisitions can’t always keep up with new threats, a different and approved practice can.

Germany looks to close ‘peacetime’ capability gaps, targets €15B procurement budget by 2024

Germany looks to close ‘peacetime’ capability gaps, targets €15B procurement budget by 2024
Germany looks to close ‘peacetime’ capability gaps, targets €15B procurement budget by 2024

“What this tells us is that those projects once in the annual defense budget were not properly funded before transferring to the special arms fund,” said Christian Molling, research director at the German Council on Foreign Relations.