Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA

Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA
Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA

Tech giants and venture capitalists are pouring billions into developing quantum computers. But related tech of special interest to the military — quantum sensing, navigation and communications — needs stepped-up federal funding, the Air Force Association says.

Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines
Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

AI analysis of sensor data, including new kinds of quantum-based detection, could give a lethal edge in undersea warfare — to either the Australia-UK-US alliance or to China.

Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts

Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts
Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts

Within five to 10 years, clocks “a million times” more precise than GPS could improve accuracy, communications, and electronic warfare – without relying on an easily jammed satellite signal.