Army wants different GPS alternatives for different domains, including commercial tech

Army wants different GPS alternatives for different domains, including commercial tech
Army wants different GPS alternatives for different domains, including commercial tech

“I don’t want to take a very expensive, very, very capable [alternative] PNT system that belongs on, let’s say, a Stryker platform or an Abrams tank or something like that, and … stick it on the robot that is the one that I’m training to take first contact,” Michael Monteleone, head of the Army’s new All-Domain Sensing CFT, explained. 

China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?

China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?
China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?

The US and China are racing to develop quantum technologies. But each superpower is emphasizing different applications of the same fundamental science, and some American experts think a couple of Beijing’s top priorities may be dead ends.

Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA

Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA
Quantum: Pentagon must jumpstart 3 key applications, urges AFA

Tech giants and venture capitalists are pouring billions into developing quantum computers. But related tech of special interest to the military — quantum sensing, navigation and communications — needs stepped-up federal funding, the Air Force Association says.

Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines
Transparent Sea: AUKUS looks to AI, quantum in hunt for Chinese submarines

AI analysis of sensor data, including new kinds of quantum-based detection, could give a lethal edge in undersea warfare — to either the Australia-UK-US alliance or to China.

Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts

Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts
Quantum clocks could revolutionize precision warfare within a decade: experts

Within five to 10 years, clocks “a million times” more precise than GPS could improve accuracy, communications, and electronic warfare – without relying on an easily jammed satellite signal.

Space was the place, including for starry-eyed optimism: 5 Stories From 2021

Space was the place, including for starry-eyed optimism: 5 Stories From 2021
Space was the place, including for starry-eyed optimism: 5 Stories From 2021

Among all the space action over the past year, AFRL’s push to expand military space operations to cislunar space — the vast volume of space between the Earth’s outer orbit and that of the Moon — and beyond has been a gift that keeps on giving.

Sandia’s Atomic ‘Avocado’ Could Allow GPS-Free PNT

Sandia’s Atomic ‘Avocado’ Could Allow GPS-Free PNT
Sandia’s Atomic ‘Avocado’ Could Allow GPS-Free PNT

The first-of-its-kind device, a vacuum chamber for containing clouds of atomic particles that drive quantum sensors, is about the size of an avocado.

Roper Eyes Biotech, New Materials Funding; NGAD Gets PEO

Roper Eyes Biotech, New Materials Funding; NGAD Gets PEO
Roper Eyes Biotech, New Materials Funding; NGAD Gets PEO

The Air Force is creating a new PEO for “Fighters and Advanced Aircraft” this summer, combining NGAD with the Digital Century Series program, says acquisition czar Will Roper.