OSINT overdose: Intelligence agencies seek new ways to manage surge of open-source intel

OSINT overdose: Intelligence agencies seek new ways to manage surge of open-source intel
OSINT overdose: Intelligence agencies seek new ways to manage surge of open-source intel

AI is driving a tsunami of private-sector open-source intelligence. Now the federal Intelligence Community just has to figure out how to ride the wave.

Afghanistan, China, And The Gray Zone: House Committee Passes Intel Bill

Afghanistan, China, And The Gray Zone: House Committee Passes Intel Bill
Afghanistan, China, And The Gray Zone: House Committee Passes Intel Bill

The bill also requires the IC to share information with the Defense Department’s Unexplained Aerial Phenomena Task Force.

New IC Commercial Space Council Hopes To Speed Intel To Users

New IC Commercial Space Council Hopes To Speed Intel To Users
New IC Commercial Space Council Hopes To Speed Intel To Users

NRO, NGA, CIA, DIA and NSA are the “standing members” of the new council, says its chairman David Gauthier of NGA.

Bipartisan Backlash Scuttles Senate Hearing For White House Favorite

Bipartisan Backlash Scuttles Senate Hearing For White House Favorite
Bipartisan Backlash Scuttles Senate Hearing For White House Favorite

Anthony Tata was facing across-the-board Democratic opposition and increasingly shaky support among Republicans due to inflammatory Tweets deriding then-President Obama, Islam, and accusing former CIA director John Brennan of attempting to order the killing of Trump. 

Russia’s Real Target Is US Alliances & Ukraine, Not Elections: CIA Veterans

Russia’s Real Target Is US Alliances & Ukraine, Not Elections: CIA Veterans
Russia’s Real Target Is US Alliances & Ukraine, Not Elections: CIA Veterans

“I don’t think that Vladimir Putin, who I think is a realist, wants to destroy us or our democracy, (though) they did meddle… and they will do it again if they can,” Bearden said. “They will continue to stir the pot, (but) I think they’re as amazed by what we’re doing to ourselves as perhaps we are.”

The Way Ahead To Kim-Trump Summit

The Way Ahead To Kim-Trump Summit
The Way Ahead To Kim-Trump Summit

While a Trump-Kim summit is a victory for South Korean diplomacy and the policy of maximum pressure, it is also a tremendous victory for Kim Jong Un, and this must be recognized.

Rep. Nunes Knocks DNI ‘Bureaucracy’; Schiff Calls On Obama To ID Russia For DNC Hack

Rep. Nunes Knocks DNI ‘Bureaucracy’; Schiff Calls On Obama To ID Russia For DNC Hack
Rep. Nunes Knocks DNI ‘Bureaucracy’; Schiff Calls On Obama To ID Russia For DNC Hack

WASHINGTON: The persistent grumbles from the CIA and other bastions of the Intelligence Community that the Director of National Intelligence is just an unneeded layer of bureaucracy has caught the ear of House Intelligence chairman Rep. Devin Nunes. He promised to try and pass legislation to change this but admitted it would be “tough” to get…

Work With Putin To Stop Another Paris: CIA Chief Brennan

Work With Putin To Stop Another Paris: CIA Chief Brennan
Work With Putin To Stop Another Paris: CIA Chief Brennan

WASHINGTON: The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, but he can be useful. In a speech he’d ripped up and rewritten since Friday’s horrific attacks on Paris, CIA chief John Brennan said even the only superpower needs help in a dangerous world. That sometimes requires working with countries that make the world worse,…

US Not Sure What Was Taken In OPM Hack: DNI Clapper

US Not Sure What Was Taken In OPM Hack: DNI Clapper
US Not Sure What Was Taken In OPM Hack: DNI Clapper

WASHINGTON: Hacks are hard to do damage assessments on. Just ask Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper about the Chinese theft of data from the Office of Personnel Management. “We don’t actually know what was actually exfiltrated,” Clapper told several hundred people at Georgetown University’s Healy Hall today. Why don’t we really know if 5.6 million fingerprints — or…

NSA Director Implies ISIL Intel Estimates Could Have Been Better

NSA Director Implies ISIL Intel Estimates Could Have Been Better
NSA Director Implies ISIL Intel Estimates Could Have Been Better

WASHINGTON: How well did the American Intelligence Community do in its most fundamental job: providing strategic warning of war and major strategic events to the president when it came to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ISIL’s invasion of Iraq? The heads of the Central Intelligence, Defense Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence and National Security agencies claimed today…

World’s Loneliest Airplane: Five Years Aloft At 65K Feet

World’s Loneliest Airplane: Five Years Aloft At 65K Feet
World’s Loneliest Airplane: Five Years Aloft At 65K Feet

AUVSI: Imagine a featherweight aircraft built of composites boasting an enormous 160 foot wing, swathed in solar cells that can take off at 20 mph and remain aloft for five years. Yes, five years. The plane would fly at 65,000 feet, above most air traffic aside from the odd U-2 zooming past. It would, without…

Petraeus Resigns As DCI: USDI Vickers Rumored As Replacement

WASHINGTON: It is a classic — and sad — Washington story. The most storied general since the Vietnam War, David Petraeus, resigns as director of the CIA late on a Friday afternoon because of an extramarital affair. Petraeus helped revolutionize the ways in which intelligence was used by the US military and greatly improved cooperation…