Breaking Defense

Stories by Breaking Defense

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How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data

How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data
How to “out-curious” military adversaries with Earth-sensing data

It’s not just about what one image of Earth can reveal, it’s about what a series of images through time in one location can tell you.

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Rapidly evolving threats demand 21st Century Security solutions

Rapidly evolving threats demand 21st Century Security solutions
Rapidly evolving threats demand 21st Century Security solutions

Innovative, interoperable capabilities networked seamlessly across all domains will be required to maintain the edge and deter future conflict.

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Seconds save lives, UX can be the differentiator

Seconds save lives, UX can be the differentiator
Seconds save lives, UX can be the differentiator

Reducing system complexity through user experience design saves time, training and lives.

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Keeping the Lakota helicopter flying for the Army and National Guard is also a job for the OEM

Keeping the Lakota helicopter flying for the Army and National Guard is also a job for the OEM
Keeping the Lakota helicopter flying for the Army and National Guard is also a job for the OEM

The UH-72 Lakota is the Army’s third largest fleet. Larger than the Chinook fleet and 75 percent the size of the Apache fleet, here’s how commercial practices make a difference in sustaining the fleet and enabling Army readiness.

Discover what industry experts are saying about military satellites today

Discover what industry experts are saying about military satellites today
Discover what industry experts are saying about military satellites today

Check out our latest eBook collection to learn how US Space Force aims to expand.

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The B-21 Raider and autonomy is the future

The B-21 Raider and autonomy is the future
The B-21 Raider and autonomy is the future

Manufacturing the B-21 bomber, F-35 center fuselage, lessons learned, and autonomy: all are on the table in a discussion with Tom Jones, president of Northrop Grumman’s Aeronautics Systems.

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True all-domain operations? It happened at Northern Edge ‘23

True all-domain operations? It happened at Northern Edge ‘23
True all-domain operations? It happened at Northern Edge ‘23

Collins Aerospace and Raytheon successfully demonstrated a suite of sensing and networking technologies that are foundational to Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control.

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B-21 Raider: Getting the bomber on ramp

B-21 Raider: Getting the bomber on ramp
B-21 Raider: Getting the bomber on ramp

The Raider and advanced manufacturing: what it took to roll out the bomber.

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A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net

A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net
A better C-UAS option? Capture enemy drones in a net

DroneHunter is a no-to-low collateral damage, counter-UAS system that shoots different types of nets at drone threats, and can bring them down intact in order to exploit them.

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Connecting sensors and effectors into one command and control system with IBCS

Connecting sensors and effectors into one command and control system with IBCS
Connecting sensors and effectors into one command and control system with IBCS

IBCS sees more, understands better, and decides faster for a true transformational change for the US Army and its allies.

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Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today

Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today
Operationalizing artificial intelligence: Making it work for the mission today

When you understand the mission, the legacy systems, and the data, you have “AI Readiness.”

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Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all

Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all
Facing air and missile threats from all sides, the Army’s LTAMDS 360° radar sees all

Six LTAMDS radars are being tested in parallel to speed this transformational warfighting capability to U.S. Army and international air defense forces.

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Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other

Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other
Drone vs Drone: Only one can capture the other

Already in Ukraine, the low-to-no-collateral DroneHunter F700 counter-UAS system can now defeat faster and larger threats like the Russian Orlan-10 and Iranian Shahed-136.

Where to find the sights and sounds of AUSA 2023

Where to find the sights and sounds of AUSA 2023
Where to find the sights and sounds of AUSA 2023

Check out the photos and flavor of the AUSA 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition.

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