Breaking Defense

Stories by Breaking Defense

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A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base

A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base
A new approach to speed, scale and efficiency for the industrial base

Radars, EW, EO/IR, space imagery, and microelectronics are brought under one roof for a streamlined approach to common people and factories.

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A major overhaul is coming in software for missile warning

A major overhaul is coming in software for missile warning
A major overhaul is coming in software for missile warning

Space Systems Command’s FORGE program is the first, major missile-warning software modernization effort in 20 years.

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Why cloud modernization is critical to multi-domain operations

Why cloud modernization is critical to multi-domain operations
Why cloud modernization is critical to multi-domain operations

JADC2 is a forcing function, driving digital transformation of network infrastructure.

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New Army mounted system won’t play favorites when it comes to C5ISR, EW and A-PNT

New Army mounted system won’t play favorites when it comes to C5ISR, EW and A-PNT
New Army mounted system won’t play favorites when it comes to C5ISR, EW and A-PNT

The CMOSS Mounted Form Factor will facilitate tech insertion for new capabilities while co-existing with the Mounted Family of Computer Systems.

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Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today

Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today
Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today

‘Store Now, Decrypt Later’ attacks must be thwarted now with Zero Trust cybersecurity.

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Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel

Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel
Insights on digital transformation following successes on B-21 and Sentinel

Customers and employees are experiencing the ‘Butterfly Effect’ of digital transformation from key national security programs.

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Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

Military innovation and savings: Go commercial
Military innovation and savings: Go commercial

DoD uses FAR Part 12 acquisitions to save hundreds of millions of dollars in “of a type” systems like civil landing systems with applicability to military aircraft.

How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities

How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities
How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities

In our latest eBook we’re bringing you the collection of stories covering Navy’s expansion of unmanned capabilities, call for a culture of shared cyber responsibility, reflecting on shipbuilding priorities and much more.

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Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud

Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud
Multi-domain operations start with security, interoperability in the cloud

MDO requires operations at the tactical edge and cloud is the transport that makes it possible.

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Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration
Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

“Mission engineering” can integrate space and ground assets to push data to the edge.

Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar

Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar
Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar

Join us for our inaugural live webinar where we’ll discuss how DoD organizations can best utilize and adapt to the capabilities of Generative AI to address threats from Great Powers in areas like cybersecurity and missile proliferation while transforming enterprise functions, collaboration.

Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar

Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar
Generative AI, national security, and DoD business transformation webinar

Join Breaking Defense for our live webinar where we’ll discuss how DoD organizations can best utilize and adapt to the capabilities of Generative AI to address threats from Great Powers in areas like cybersecurity and missile proliferation while transforming enterprise functions, collaboration.

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How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS
How to unlock innovation and savings for DoD: “commercial,” not COTS

Overmatch is fleeting and while traditional acquisitions can’t always keep up with new threats, a different and approved practice can.

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Modernizing military simulation with open systems architecture

Modernizing military simulation with open systems architecture
Modernizing military simulation with open systems architecture

Best-of-breed common models and architecture enable virtual training and testing with the same data in a cyber-resilient posture.

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