Theresa Hitchens

Theresa Hitchens

Reporter, Space and Air Force, Breaking Defense

Theresa Hitchens is the Space and Air Force reporter at Breaking Defense. The former Defense News editor was a senior research associate at the University of Maryland’s Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). Before that, she spent six years in Geneva, Switzerland as director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). A sci-fi geek, voracious reader, enthusiastic cook, dabbler in poetry, Theresa is also the proud mom of a wonderful young man by the name of Nicholas.

Stories by Theresa Hitchens

Russia Builds New Co-Orbital Satellite: SWF, CSIS Say

Russia Builds New Co-Orbital Satellite: SWF, CSIS Say
Russia Builds New Co-Orbital Satellite: SWF, CSIS Say

“I think the most important bits are … about the recent Russian RPOs likely being an SSA/intelligence program and possibly supporting the new Burevestnik co-orbital program,” said Brian Weeden, technical advisor to the Secure World Foundation.

U.S. India ASAT Test React May Backfire, Experts Say

U.S. India ASAT Test React May Backfire, Experts Say
U.S. India ASAT Test React May Backfire, Experts Say

The India ASAT test could have provided an opportunity for leadership from the Trump administration to help prevent the creation of space debris.

Stop The Fearmongering Over War In Space: The Sky’s Not Falling, Part 1

Stop The Fearmongering Over War In Space: The Sky’s Not Falling, Part 1
Stop The Fearmongering Over War In Space: The Sky’s Not Falling, Part 1

    Star Wars it ain’t, but the Pentagon is increasingly anxious over threats to its satellites, as we’ve reported frequently in recent years. But in this op-ed, scholars Joan Johnson-Freese and Theresa Hitchens argue that war in space is dangerously overhyped. — the editors In the last two years, we’ve seen rising hysteria over…

How Next President Can Build New National Security Space Strategy

How Next President Can Build New National Security Space Strategy
How Next President Can Build New National Security Space Strategy

The next administration must do a “strategic rebalancing” of means to achieve what have been consistent national space security ends (goals): stability, sustainability and freedom of access. But a significant challenge to both reaffirming ends, and determining and implementing means, is structure, as we point out in a recent Strategy Paper for the Atlantic Council. While space is…

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