Ashley Roque

Senior Reporter

Ashley Roque covers land warfare for Breaking Defense. Over the past two decades, she’s reported on defense, US politics, and foreign policy for publications inside and outside of the United States including Janes, Roll Call, Inside Defense and Shephard Media. Ashley holds a BA in English with a minor in journalism from Florida State University, and a master's degree in conflict transformation from the University of Basel.

Stories by Ashley Roque

Army will have to cancel exercises with NATO, inside CENTCOM, with no budget supplemental

Army will have to cancel exercises with NATO, inside CENTCOM, with no budget supplemental
Army will have to cancel exercises with NATO, inside CENTCOM, with no budget supplemental

“We don’t have a lot of cash under the sofa cushions and if we don’t get a budget, and we don’t get a supplemental, we’re going to probably have to cancel some things,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said today.

Armored vehicles and Patriots sent to Ukraine without solid sustainment plan, says Pentagon IG

Armored vehicles and Patriots sent to Ukraine without solid sustainment plan, says Pentagon IG
Armored vehicles and Patriots sent to Ukraine without solid sustainment plan, says Pentagon IG

“We’re certainly aware that we could be doing more, but we’ve been saying from the beginning that we need to make sure that the Ukrainians have every tool available to them to maintain these systems,” Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said today.

Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says

Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says
Industry feedback to drive cruise missile interceptor competition timeline, Army says

Earlier this year, the service unveiled tentative plans to decide who would participate in a new cruise missile interceptor competition in FY25. Industry feedback over the coming weeks could alter that date and reshape the acquisition timetable.

Army moving towards new Javelin launcher fielding in 2025, software glitch fixed

Army moving towards new Javelin launcher fielding in 2025, software glitch fixed
Army moving towards new Javelin launcher fielding in 2025, software glitch fixed

While launcher fielding remains on track, development of the new G-Model missile is still in limbo after a 2022 test failure.

Decision time: Army nears deadline for long-range precision munition acquisition plan

Decision time: Army nears deadline for long-range precision munition acquisition plan
Decision time: Army nears deadline for long-range precision munition acquisition plan

Despite last week’s aviation upheaval, the Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC) is slated to meet before the end of March to debate the path ahead for a formal program of record.

Defense Secretary Austin no longer Europe bound, will virtually attend meeting on Ukraine

Defense Secretary Austin no longer Europe bound, will virtually attend meeting on Ukraine
Defense Secretary Austin no longer Europe bound, will virtually attend meeting on Ukraine

Austin’s medical emergency comes at a time of a new leader for Ukraine’s military, the inability of Washington to fund new weapons and former president Donald Trump inviting Russia to invade NATO territory.

Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup

Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup
Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup

In addition to halting the FARA competition, service leaders want to end UH-60 V Blackhawk production, postpone moving the Improved Turbine Engine Program into production, and phase out legacy drones.

Floating around: Army’s watercraft strategy in need of facelift, work continues on boat plans

Floating around: Army’s watercraft strategy in need of facelift, work continues on boat plans
Floating around: Army’s watercraft strategy in need of facelift, work continues on boat plans

“Envision a swarm of these autonomous vessels going out to various island chains … not having to beach because we’re gonna have the UAVs come in, meet somewhere over the water, grab portions, and take that AOR’s portion … of ammo, food, blood,” said Rob Watts, the deputy director of the Army’s contested logistics cross-functional team.

‘Transforming in contact’: Army units to test out new equipment on deployments

‘Transforming in contact’: Army units to test out new equipment on deployments
‘Transforming in contact’: Army units to test out new equipment on deployments

“We’re actually getting [soldiers] involved in how we’re helping to design the force….My view is that we are going to see a lot of refinements from the field that will really help us figure out how we need to adjust,” said Army Chief Randy George.

Army completes squad-level assessment with latest IVAS design

Army completes squad-level assessment with latest IVAS design
Army completes squad-level assessment with latest IVAS design

“The [user assessment’s] purpose is to measure system performance to ensure the phase 2 IVAS 1.2 prototype systems continue to meet design objectives,” said Program Executive Office Soldier spokesperson David Patterson.

US Foreign Military Sales deals mushroomed to $80.9 billion in 2023

US Foreign Military Sales deals mushroomed to $80.9 billion in 2023
US Foreign Military Sales deals mushroomed to $80.9 billion in 2023

The FY23 total marked a 55 percent hike in weapon sales and deliveries to foreign countries over the previous year.

After deadly drone attack in Jordan, US Central Command reassessing air defense needs

After deadly drone attack in Jordan, US Central Command reassessing air defense needs
After deadly drone attack in Jordan, US Central Command reassessing air defense needs

“What was different about this attack is where it landed: It did impact… where living quarters are,” said Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, a day after three soldiers were killed in an attack.

Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition

Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition
Second defender: Army to pick batch of cruise missile interceptors in 2025 for new competition

In a bid to win a spot on the IFPC Inc 2 program as the second interceptor, Israel’s Rafael will throw its hat into the ring with Iron Dome’s Tamir interceptor, while Boeing and Lockheed say they may have contenders too.

Getting ahead: Ukraine Defense Contact Group forms 2 coalitions

Getting ahead: Ukraine Defense Contact Group forms 2 coalitions
Getting ahead: Ukraine Defense Contact Group forms 2 coalitions

Latvia is heading up a new drone coalition while Poland will helm another focusing on armor, according to US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander.

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