presented by Bell
The “digital thread” is key to continual improvement for the Army’s Future Vertical Lift programs

The “digital thread” is key to continual improvement for the Army’s Future Vertical Lift programs
The “digital thread” is key to continual improvement for the Army’s Future Vertical Lift programs

By implementing a design-as-built methodology that digitally connects entire FVL programs throughout the lifecycle, Bell has increased its ability to collaborate in real-time with program partners and the Army to deliver new capabilities faster and more affordably.

presented by Bell
How digital systems integration makes future vertical lift more capable and affordable for the Army

How digital systems integration makes future vertical lift more capable and affordable for the Army
How digital systems integration makes future vertical lift more capable and affordable for the Army

The future of Army aviation depends on major improvements in aircraft speed, range, and reliability. Bell’s vision to ensure these programs enhance national security and are affordable relies on digital engineering and modeling to integrate missions and air vehicle systems with sustainment in mind so they all meld together in advance of manufacturing to reduce risk.

presented by Bell
The FLRAA/FARA Ecosystem Enables All-Domain Operations In The Great Power Competition

The FLRAA/FARA Ecosystem Enables All-Domain Operations In The Great Power Competition
The FLRAA/FARA Ecosystem Enables All-Domain Operations In The Great Power Competition

A flight-proven tiltrotor and advanced helicopter are the optimum solutions for transformational air assault and attack/recon.

presented by Bell
No Compromises: Tiltrotor Mission Effectiveness For Long-Range Air Assault

No Compromises: Tiltrotor Mission Effectiveness For Long-Range Air Assault
No Compromises: Tiltrotor Mission Effectiveness For Long-Range Air Assault

Bell’s V-280 Valor builds upon 600,000 hours of experience with the V-22 tiltrotor with a clean-sheet design to meet the Army’s requirement for an air-assault platform.

presented by Bell
Range, Speed, And Reaction Time At Operational Distances Will Define The Next Phase Of Army Aviation

Range, Speed, And Reaction Time At Operational Distances Will Define The Next Phase Of Army Aviation
Range, Speed, And Reaction Time At Operational Distances Will Define The Next Phase Of Army Aviation

Bell created the V-280 Valor with agility, speed in excess of 280 knots, and more than 500 nm of range that is needed to quickly take advantage of tactical opportunities in multi-domain operations in theaters across the globe.

presented by Bell
A Leap Ahead In Speed, Range, And Endurance

A Leap Ahead In Speed, Range, And Endurance
A Leap Ahead In Speed, Range, And Endurance

How and why Bell’s candidates for the Army’s Two Future Vertical Lift programs will help to create overmatch in the Great Power competition.