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Multi-domain operations need the “right” solutions. Here are a few.

Multi-domain operations need the “right” solutions. Here are a few.
Multi-domain operations need the “right” solutions. Here are a few.

The future of multi-domain operation will, in part, be written by unmanned systems operating at the tactical edge, either individually or as part of a swarm, with interoperability for both manned-unmanned and unmanned-unmanned teaming operations.

Is the goal of JADC2 to connect sensors to shooters or should it be command and control?

Is the goal of JADC2 to connect sensors to shooters or should it be command and control?
Is the goal of JADC2 to connect sensors to shooters or should it be command and control?

C2 will be particularly important in scenarios where US forces are met with anti-access/area denial countermeasures potentially more suitable for autonomous aerial and ground systems.

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Multi-domain unmanned systems for future warfare at the tactical edge

Multi-domain unmanned systems for future warfare at the tactical edge
Multi-domain unmanned systems for future warfare at the tactical edge

The “right solutions” for future conflict must have multi-domain capabilities and be intelligent and interoperable to communicate and transfer data between systems.