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Defending every domain from the highest domain

Defending every domain from the highest domain
Defending every domain from the highest domain

High-value assets in space means positioning both exquisite payloads and quick-react, short-term, inexpensive small sats across orbital regimes to accomplish specific missions.

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Overhead Persistent IR is how hypersonic and maneuverable threats will be tracked

Overhead Persistent IR is how hypersonic and maneuverable threats will be tracked
Overhead Persistent IR is how hypersonic and maneuverable threats will be tracked

Two of the five OPIR missile warning satellites will be polar-oriented to sense ballistic missile threats from adversaries. All five are designed to not only detect launches but to track missiles as they maneuver.

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Moving left on Next Generation Interceptor development to better defend the homeland

Moving left on Next Generation Interceptor development to better defend the homeland
Moving left on Next Generation Interceptor development to better defend the homeland

Given its mission and criticality, execution speed will enable MDA to make a down-select and award a production contract so NGI can be fielded before it’s needed.

EXCLUSIVE: With new ‘scorecard,’ Space Force’s acquisition chief talks changing culture

EXCLUSIVE: With new ‘scorecard,’ Space Force’s acquisition chief talks changing culture
EXCLUSIVE: With new ‘scorecard,’ Space Force’s acquisition chief talks changing culture

In addition to providing new “tenets” for Space Force officials, “I’m really messaging three things to industry — that I really want them to give me credible proposals, and I really want them to execute, and I’m not going to tolerate poor performance,” Frank Calvelli told Breaking Defense.

New Space Force team to streamline ‘onboarding’ new tech for operational use

New Space Force team to streamline ‘onboarding’ new tech for operational use
New Space Force team to streamline ‘onboarding’ new tech for operational use

SpRCO head Kelly Hammett told Breaking Defense in an interview that the “operational integration” process involves “tens of force generation elements with POAMS [plans of action and milestones] that take years to close everything out.”  

DARPA’s Mandrake 2 satellites: communicating at the speed of light

DARPA’s Mandrake 2 satellites: communicating at the speed of light
DARPA’s Mandrake 2 satellites: communicating at the speed of light

Mandrake 2’s next trick, after demonstrating optical intersatellite links, will be using lasers for space-to-ground communications.