Essential issues impacting our national security today

Essential issues impacting our national security today
Essential issues impacting our national security today

The modern world is constantly shifting but one thing that’s never in flux is the need for effective military engagement tactics. View our eBook here to gain insights from experts on key military engagement techniques essential for protecting our interests both at home and abroad.

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Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS
Bringing powerful battlespace capabilities to bear through the unified C2 of IBCS

The Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) allows commanders to jointly plan, coordinate and synchronize operations across air, land, sea and space assets.

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Operations in contested environments demand collaborative autonomy between crewed and uncrewed aircraft

Operations in contested environments demand collaborative autonomy between crewed and uncrewed aircraft
Operations in contested environments demand collaborative autonomy between crewed and uncrewed aircraft

To remove the human from the loop in uncrewed operations, the AI must be trusted to take specific actions every time certain scenarios happen based on its programming.

Army network plan will offset contested comms with multi-path transport-agnostic capabilities

Army network plan will offset contested comms with multi-path transport-agnostic capabilities
Army network plan will offset contested comms with multi-path transport-agnostic capabilities

“You have to be able to operate with challenges to comms at times, whether it’s jamming, lack of available fiber, geography impacting your line of sight, or host-nation spectrum restrictions.”

Here’s how the soldiers assigned to shoot down ballistic missiles from North Korea stay sharp

Here’s how the soldiers assigned to shoot down ballistic missiles from North Korea stay sharp
Here’s how the soldiers assigned to shoot down ballistic missiles from North Korea stay sharp

The 100th Missile Defense Brigade and the 49th Missile Defense Battalion at Fort Greely train on and operate the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system for exoatmospheric intercepts against ballistic missiles.

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Dissecting the DNA of JADC2 reveals what makes communications tick

Dissecting the DNA of JADC2 reveals what makes communications tick
Dissecting the DNA of JADC2 reveals what makes communications tick

There’s connective tissue among gateways, 5G, edge computing, and AI/ML that can be built to develop the advanced network capabilities needed for JADC2.

Sentinel and Raider: Where these two legs of the nuclear triad stand today

Sentinel and Raider: Where these two legs of the nuclear triad stand today
Sentinel and Raider: Where these two legs of the nuclear triad stand today

The new ICBM and B-21 bomber will be a “stabilizing force” for strategic deterrence that is born digital to meet evolving threats.