‘Tactical tanker’: Why L3Harris, Embraer think KC-390 offering can dodge new tanker wars

‘Tactical tanker’: Why L3Harris, Embraer think KC-390 offering can dodge new tanker wars
‘Tactical tanker’: Why L3Harris, Embraer think KC-390 offering can dodge new tanker wars

“This will easily be Buy American Act [compliant]. It’s not even going to be close,” L3Harris CEO Chris Kubasik said of the effort with Brazil’s Embraer.

AFSOC commander cautiously optimistic on V-22 clutch problem, though root cause elusive

AFSOC commander cautiously optimistic on V-22 clutch problem, though root cause elusive
AFSOC commander cautiously optimistic on V-22 clutch problem, though root cause elusive

“I was asking myself, what would I say to myself in the aftermath of fatal mishap if we discovered that the reason for this was this clutch issue,” said AFSOC commander Lt. Gen. Jim Slife. “Would I look back and say that I did everything that I could do today? And I couldn’t answer that in the affirmative.”

Space Development Agency chief clears up ‘confusion’ about where his agency is going

Space Development Agency chief clears up ‘confusion’ about where his agency is going
Space Development Agency chief clears up ‘confusion’ about where his agency is going

SDA Director Derek Tournear said his shop will remain its own when it formally joins the Space Force in coming weeks, giving the service another acquisition outlet.

Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy

Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy
Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy

“Some people are still looking at this as a 1970s-technology aircraft. It is not,” Lt. Gen. Michael Loh, head of the Air National Guard, said of the F-15EX.

Space Force phasing out missile warning from GEO, will focus on lower orbits

Space Force phasing out missile warning from GEO, will focus on lower orbits
Space Force phasing out missile warning from GEO, will focus on lower orbits

“We’ll do away with the GEOs, and the big, exquisite expensive satellites,” said SDA Director Derek Tournear.

Space Force completes space-based JSTARS replacement analysis, will inform future budgets

Space Force completes space-based JSTARS replacement analysis, will inform future budgets
Space Force completes space-based JSTARS replacement analysis, will inform future budgets

The Space Force is “working with all the other services and combat commanders to determine what are their requirements for ISR that we can then work with our partners in the Intelligence Community to figure out how best to satisfy those requirements,” CSO Gen. Jay Raymond said.

presented by
Fighter radars have changed the nature of combat: <br> A look forward and back

Fighter radars have changed the nature of combat: <br> A look forward and back
Fighter radars have changed the nature of combat:
A look forward and back

On the 50th anniversary of the F-15 Eagle’s first flight and its groundbreaking APG-63 radar that helped the fighter revolutionize tactical combat, here’s a look at the state of radars and mission systems today.

New Boeing and Red 6 partnership could launch F-15EX, T-7 into the metaverse

New Boeing and Red 6 partnership could launch F-15EX, T-7 into the metaverse
New Boeing and Red 6 partnership could launch F-15EX, T-7 into the metaverse

Boeing will begin integrating Red 6’s technology on a TA-4 test plane next month, a company executive said, with “campaign-level” metaverse training dreams in the future.

The Space Force wants more ‘indigenous software experts’ that can write code

The Space Force wants more ‘indigenous software experts’ that can write code
The Space Force wants more ‘indigenous software experts’ that can write code

The Space Force revealed its “Vision for a Digital Service” last May, which defined what the digital service would look like through four focus areas.

SDA a ‘model’ that could shake up all space acquisition: Calvelli

SDA a ‘model’ that could shake up all space acquisition: Calvelli
SDA a ‘model’ that could shake up all space acquisition: Calvelli

When SDA joins Space Force in a couple weeks, their more agile acquisition cycle could spread to other Space Force offices.

Secretive B-21 bomber to be revealed to public in December

Secretive B-21 bomber to be revealed to public in December
Secretive B-21 bomber to be revealed to public in December

The first B-21 is set to make its inaugural flight in 2023, but the public will get to finally see it in December.

Congress should stop the Air Force from retiring F-22s

Congress should stop the Air Force from retiring F-22s
Congress should stop the Air Force from retiring F-22s

As China looms, the Heritage Foundation’s JV Venable argues for saving 33 F-22s from the chopping block.

With Korean aircraft buy, Poland pushes beyond post-Soviet airframe legacy

With Korean aircraft buy, Poland pushes beyond post-Soviet airframe legacy
With Korean aircraft buy, Poland pushes beyond post-Soviet airframe legacy

Polish military officials envision FA-50 playing a number of roles, and carrying a number of weapons, as the air force modernizes.

It took ‘couple of months’ to put US anti-radiation missiles on Ukrainian fighters, USAF reveals

It took ‘couple of months’ to put US anti-radiation missiles on Ukrainian fighters, USAF reveals
It took ‘couple of months’ to put US anti-radiation missiles on Ukrainian fighters, USAF reveals

The Defense Department confirmed it had sent AGM-88 High Speed Radiation Missiles to Ukraine in August.