John Ferrari

Stories by John Ferrari

Pass a preemptive CR, deal with inflation and watch the debt limit: 3 tasks for Congress

Pass a preemptive CR, deal with inflation and watch the debt limit: 3 tasks for Congress
Pass a preemptive CR, deal with inflation and watch the debt limit: 3 tasks for Congress

John Ferrari and Elaine McCusker of AEI argue in this op-ed that Congress needs to act quickly to ensure American national security before getting bogged down in election season.

In fiscal 2025, bet on Congress or begin to pivot

In fiscal 2025, bet on Congress or begin to pivot
In fiscal 2025, bet on Congress or begin to pivot

John Ferrari and Charles Rahr, in this op-ed, argue that instead of relying on the Hill to bail it out, the Pentagon may need to embrace its true needs and change where it invests.

The Army’s cuts, force structure changes put it on the right path

The Army’s cuts, force structure changes put it on the right path
The Army’s cuts, force structure changes put it on the right path

In this op-ed, retired Army Maj. Gen. John Ferrari argues that the Army’s decision to make cuts to force structure, while tough, is ultimately the right one.

Terminating the FARA helo program was the right call by the Army chief

Terminating the FARA helo program was the right call by the Army chief
Terminating the FARA helo program was the right call by the Army chief

In this op-ed retired Army Maj. Gen. John Ferrari lays out why FARA had to go, and where Army aviation should fly from here.

Sheathing the Sword of Damocles: 6 steps to righting the ship as 2023 ends and 2024 begins

Sheathing the Sword of Damocles: 6 steps to righting the ship as 2023 ends and 2024 begins
Sheathing the Sword of Damocles: 6 steps to righting the ship as 2023 ends and 2024 begins

As 2023 is coming to a close, time is running out for Congress, the Pentagon and the Biden administration to act, write AEI’s Elaine McCusker and John Ferrari in this op-ed.

When it comes to Israel and Ukraine funding, go big and go long

When it comes to Israel and Ukraine funding, go big and go long
When it comes to Israel and Ukraine funding, go big and go long

In this op-ed, retired Army general John Ferrari discusses why Congress needs to pass supplemental funding for Ukraine and Israel, and quickly.

Congress can’t get sidetracked: Keep the government open to ensure national security

Congress can’t get sidetracked: Keep the government open to ensure national security
Congress can’t get sidetracked: Keep the government open to ensure national security

In this op-ed, AEI’s Elaine McCusker and John Ferrari, two former Pentagon budget officials, warn about the national security repercussions of a potential government shutdown.

Budget endgame scenarios: From acceptable to apocalypse

Budget endgame scenarios: From acceptable to apocalypse
Budget endgame scenarios: From acceptable to apocalypse

In this new analysis, budget experts Elaine McCusker and John Ferrari lay out a trio of likely scenarios for the upcoming budget negotiations – including one they deem the “doomsday” scenario for DoD.

10 questions Congress should ask incoming Joint Chiefs nominees

10 questions Congress should ask incoming Joint Chiefs nominees
10 questions Congress should ask incoming Joint Chiefs nominees

AEI’s John Ferrari argues that lawmakers must hear from incoming service leaders on the assumptions they’re making as they prepare for their new, highest-level jobs.

A debt ceiling fight and national security – no good choices

A debt ceiling fight and national security – no good choices
A debt ceiling fight and national security – no good choices

Even if President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy find a way out of the debt limit debacle, AEI’s John Ferrari and Charles Rahr argue a compromise could be just that for America’s military.

Leave the Air Force’s new acquisition proposal in the starting gate

Leave the Air Force’s new acquisition proposal in the starting gate
Leave the Air Force’s new acquisition proposal in the starting gate

A new proposal from Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall seems helpful on its face, but Bill Greenwalt and John Ferrari of AEI see red flags in the details.

The Pentagon’s FY24 defense budget falls $40 billion short

The Pentagon’s FY24 defense budget falls $40 billion short
The Pentagon’s FY24 defense budget falls $40 billion short

Funding unfunded priorities and taking inflation into account means a bigger topline, argues AEI’s John Ferrari.

Congress can put Army modernization back on track

Congress can put Army modernization back on track
Congress can put Army modernization back on track

AEI’s John Ferrari asks five important questions that the Army needs to answer before committing to high-dollar procurments during its modernization push.

For Pentagon’s 2024 budget, OMB ‘passback’ must give the DoD a big boost

For Pentagon’s 2024 budget, OMB ‘passback’ must give the DoD a big boost
For Pentagon’s 2024 budget, OMB ‘passback’ must give the DoD a big boost

Geopolitical trouble is closer than it appears, and the Defense Department needs more money to spend on troops and near-term procurement, AEI’s John Ferrari says.

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