Murielle Delaporte

Stories by Murielle Delaporte

F-22, Typhoon, Rafale: Lessons From The Trilateral Wargame

F-22, Typhoon, Rafale: Lessons From The Trilateral Wargame
F-22, Typhoon, Rafale: Lessons From The Trilateral Wargame

As former Air Force Chief of Staff “Buzz” Moseley once declared, “there is not a place on the face of the earth that the USAF will not fight their way into.” But this aspiration has been complicated by 15 years of fighting low-end opponents like the Taliban even as peer adversaries like China and Russia…

Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi

Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi
Lessons From Marines’ Special Africa Force: Juba, The Anti-Bengahzi

After the US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was murdered in Benghazi, the call went out to beef up America’s ability to respond rapidly to smaller attacks and crises. The Marines created a new Special Purpose force. This is the first time anyone has gotten interviews with anyone but the commander in the Marines’…

The Trilateral Strategic Initiative: An Allied Air Force Model

The Trilateral Strategic Initiative: An Allied Air Force Model
The Trilateral Strategic Initiative: An Allied Air Force Model

Coalition operations are becoming a norm for democracies. Effective coalition operations are built on solid military planning, exercises, and training, as well as on shared experiences. A key example of such collaborative efforts is the Trilateral Strategic Initiative, established in October 2010 by the Air Force chiefs of staff of the US, France and the…

Mali: France’s Version Of Shock And Awe, Add Allies, Crush AQIM

France has been hailed by the people of Mali for driving al Qaeda-linked thugs from their country. Malians greeted French President Francois Hollande with cheers of Vive la France when he recently visited Timbuktu. But the rebels and al Qaeda are not yet crushed, though they have been forced to cede most inhabited territory. The…

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