Murielle Delaporte

Stories by Murielle Delaporte

Future Combat Air System: Inside The Franco-German Program

Future Combat Air System: Inside The Franco-German Program
Future Combat Air System: Inside The Franco-German Program

Many feel that the FCAS (Future Combat Air System) is a Mission Impossible when one focuses on how much money — $4 billion by 2025 is to be jointly allocated by France and Germany.

With FCAS, French Air Force’s Renaissance Begins

With FCAS, French Air Force’s Renaissance Begins
With FCAS, French Air Force’s Renaissance Begins

France’s Air Force imagines new and improved concepts of operations will flow from the Future Combat Aircraft System (FCAS).

Europe Moves To Better Monitor Foreign Investments, Sort Of A CFIUS

Europe Moves To Better Monitor Foreign Investments, Sort Of A CFIUS
Europe Moves To Better Monitor Foreign Investments, Sort Of A CFIUS

WASHINGTON: The European Union has taken a major step toward more effective national security screening of foreign direct investments, implementing a new “framework”  for the EU. It is the beginning of a more unified approach across the vast market on a long-standing issue. Even though China is not explicitly targeted in the new document, the timing of…

NATO’s Strength: A Burden-sharing Success Story

NATO’s Strength: A Burden-sharing Success Story
NATO’s Strength: A Burden-sharing Success Story

In an era when NATO gets slammed on a regular basis by President Trump, there’s one key alliance success — the ability of 29 countries to work together on the battlefield.

Towards More European Defense Integration: Aachen Franco-German Treaty

Towards More European Defense Integration: Aachen Franco-German Treaty
Towards More European Defense Integration: Aachen Franco-German Treaty

The Aachen Treaty is the fifth treaty signed in the city where Charlemagne was born and they have all shared a common thread of boosting European peace and integration. The first one, signed in 1668 in Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle in French), put an end to the War of Devolution between France and Spain; the second, in 1748,…

From Paris To Orbit: France’s New Space Strategy

From Paris To Orbit: France’s New Space Strategy
From Paris To Orbit: France’s New Space Strategy

With the landmark CSO-1 satellite launch December 19th and a new space strategy out soon, the French government is finally stepping up in space. A French-led, Europe-wide effort to modernize space capabilities had been announced in 2010, but it had been stalled for lack of urgency and funding. Now that’s changing.

European Navies: Stepping Back Into the Game At Euronaval

European Navies: Stepping Back Into the Game At Euronaval
European Navies: Stepping Back Into the Game At Euronaval

Two years have passed since Le Bourget hosted the last Euronaval show, two years during which the maritime world has become increasingly multipolar. For example, just in the submarine business, more than 40 countries are nowadays involved. In the meantime, Russia added 28 new ships to its fleet in 2018 alone, while China, with a…

Eurosatory 2018:  Innovating Today to Conquer Tomorrow

Eurosatory 2018:  Innovating Today to Conquer Tomorrow
Eurosatory 2018:  Innovating Today to Conquer Tomorrow

EUROSATORY: Like all military shows, Eurosatory – the French equivalent to the big AUSA annual meeting in the United States – takes the pulse of the land warfare market both from a technological and geopolitical point of view. Far from being exhaustive given the size of the show and the scope of such an endeavor,…

French Quick Reaction Force Key To Syrian Missile Strikes

French Quick Reaction Force Key To Syrian Missile Strikes
French Quick Reaction Force Key To Syrian Missile Strikes

Whenever a high visibility military mission occurs – such as the April 13 combined strikes against Syrian chemical capabilities -, observers in democratic countries tend to focus on the glass half full and try to dig out every single matter that might have gone wrong. France is no exception and in the aftermath of the French…

Aussie Tankers Knit Coalition Forces Together

Aussie Tankers Knit Coalition Forces Together
Aussie Tankers Knit Coalition Forces Together

Afghanistan and operations in the Middle East against jihadist terror groups mark the rebirth of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as probably the most modern and innovative air force among US allies and partners.

The Aussies deployed a new force package during their most recent Middle East engagement, as C-17s, F/A-18As and F/A-18Fs operated with the E-7 Wedgetail Air Battle Management aircraft and the A330 MRTT tanker. 

Aussie F-35A Drives Historic Shift To USAF Focus From USN

Aussie F-35A Drives Historic Shift To USAF Focus From USN
Aussie F-35A Drives Historic Shift To USAF Focus From USN

RAAF BASE WILLIAMTOWN: The unique capabilities of the 72 F-35As Australia will buy are driving the close US ally to rethink and build new infrastructure to protect the aircraft’s highly classified stealth capabilities, as well as its data, Air Commodore Michael Kitcher said during a visit here. The Royal Australian Air Force Air Combat Group Commander is…

“Fair Winds And Following Seas” For Post-Brexit Anglo-French Military Relations

“Fair Winds And Following Seas” For Post-Brexit Anglo-French Military Relations
“Fair Winds And Following Seas” For Post-Brexit Anglo-French Military Relations

  By MURIELLE DELAPORTE Britain’s decision to leave the European Union could be compared to France’s departure from NATO in 1966. Paris left the integrated military command structure “but not the Atlantic Alliance” just as London intends to leave the EU “but not Europe.” But in defense terms virtually nothing is changing about how Britain…

New French C-130J Not A Blow To Europe’s A400M

New French C-130J Not A Blow To Europe’s A400M
New French C-130J Not A Blow To Europe’s A400M

With this article we begin regular coverage of the French military, NATO and a wide variety of European defense issues by Murielle Delaporte, a deeply experienced and knowledgeable expert on French strategy and acquisition. Murielle, who travels regularly between Washington and Paris and to the traditional haunts of the French military, is editor of Opérationnels, a…

Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet

Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet
Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet

Sen. John McCain recently went after the Jones Act again. In an amendment to bill S.2012,  the “Energy Modernization Act of 2015, McCain argues that the Jones Act is an “antiquated law” that hinders free trade and raises prices for American consumers. What the senator ignores is the impact of the legislation on Military Sealift Command. The…

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