You searched for -[jdsupra - Breaking Defense Defense industry news, analysis and commentary Thu, 07 Mar 2024 19:33:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 French military intelligence office reorganizing post-Ukraine, with ‘360 degree’ threat analysis Fri, 26 May 2023 16:06:58 +0000 mali france BARKHANE

French Maj. Gen. Cyril Carcy told Breaking Defense that his intelligence office can “no longer focus on a 60-degree angle between Western Africa and the Middle-East dictated by the fight against terrorism.”

What the US Marines can learn from a French Army ‘sister unit’ Fri, 06 May 2022 10:17:25 +0000 1/6 Integrated Training Exercise 1-18

“We always trained very hard following the motto ‘hard training, easy war,’ but what we are currently doing is retraining ourselves to face an enemy with the same capacities as we have,” French Army Brig. Gen. Eric Ozanne, the LAB commander, told Breaking Defense.

Did France retreat from Mali? It’s not that simple, generals say. Fri, 25 Mar 2022 08:55:07 +0000 mali france BARKHANE

On Feb. 17, an almost decade-long French mission in Mali ended, with Russia’s Wagner Group stepping into the void. But France remains dedicated to the CT mission in Africa, officials say.

French Air Force No. 2 pushing for greater Rafale-JSF interoperability Wed, 02 Mar 2022 17:55:06 +0000 U.S. Air Force F-35As and French Rafales perform formation flight over France

Lt. Gen. Frédéric Parisot, number two in the French Air and Space Force (FASF), talked with Breaking Defense about his priorities for the future.

France wants to transform its ‘beautiful’ army for high-intensity warfare Thu, 16 Dec 2021 16:12:28 +0000 french_army

As Gen. Eric Laval recently put it, “Today the French Army is beautiful, but in a high intensity conflict, would it be able to hold beyond 48 hours?”

Inside The ‘Laboratory Of Premieres’ For French Air Power Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:30:20 +0000 Hawaiian Raptors train with French Air Force

Gen. Philippe Lavigne, the Chief of French Air and Space Force, walks Breaking Defense through a recent Pacific exercise.

US, France, UK Hammer Out Multinational Corps Warfighting Thu, 03 Jun 2021 10:01:00 +0000 WARFIGHTER 21-4 commanders

There is room for further development in areas such as electronic warfare and signals intelligence. “These ‘soft’ components were not as accessible in the past 12 to 15 years when we were so busy in the Middle-East; for example, there is a real drive to invest in areas such as EWSI (Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence),” Brig. Gen. Paul Tennant, the British military attache in Washington, says.

France And EU Launch Strategic Reviews: China As ‘Systemic’ Rival Tue, 27 Apr 2021 10:01:50 +0000 ravitaillement-en-vol-de-caracal-sur-un-mc-130-j-de-l-us-air-force_article_pleine_colonne

How to deal with the Chinese threat will probably be one of the most difficult questions for the European Union to address as it executes its first-ever strategic review, to be published in 2022 and called ‘’Strategic Compass.’

French, US Carrier Strike Groups’ Ballet For Persian Gulf Stability Thu, 15 Apr 2021 18:00:31 +0000 download

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (CSG) and the French Charles de Gaulle CSG are cooperating at levels of integration rarely achieved in the past. Indeed, “it is at the request of US CENTCOM Commander Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie to the French Army deputy commander for Air-Land operations (SCOAT for ‘’sous chef des opérations aéroterrestres de l’armée de Terre’’) that the French Air Naval Group (GAN for ‘’groupe aéronaval’’) assume command of US Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT)’s Task Force (CFT) 50 from March 31st till April 24th’’, explains a French military officer.

ASTERX 2021: French Space Forces Reach For Higher ‘Orbit’ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 14:53:40 +0000 asterX1-768x432

The French military is moving apace in keeping with Paris’s determination to, at a minimum, keep its rank as the third international space power in an increasingly large and competitive club of nations.

France In The Indo-Pacific: A Mediating Power? Thu, 11 Mar 2021 13:00:56 +0000 20210219_jda_depart_4

France has ramped up activity in the region in accordance with its 2019 Indo-Pacific strategy.

A New African Counter-Terrorism Strategy: An Opportunity For Biden Administration Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:01:38 +0000 72593716_469736080291953_4871031408073637888_o

The fight against terror groups often called VEOs (Violent Extremist Organizations) in Africa faces a key strategic turning point. The N’Djamena Summit – which just took place with a US representative attending — is considered the starting point for an assessment of the results of the current strategy undertaken in the Sahelo-Saharan region. The reassessment occurred because of…

US Military Support In Sahel: Allies At Work Thu, 14 May 2020 16:40:22 +0000 Monclar

The ratio between a very light footprint and a high value-added target is often lost sight of when considering a theater of operation covering some 4 million square meters. The U.S. contingent deployed mostly in Niger is less than 1,000 men (800 according to most sources), while the type of support provided in support of the French-led Barkhane operation in the region does not require a large U.S. presence on the African continent.

‘Hurricane Bo-Jo’: EU Readies To Cope With Brexit Wed, 09 Oct 2019 21:51:11 +0000

The one thing Boris Johnson and his DUDE — Deliver, Unite, Defeat, Energize — partisans have in common with their opponents is that they all want to see a quick end to a process that has paralyzed the debate about Europe’s future and created a climate of instability which only NATO’s foes can find suitable.

Future Combat Air System: Inside The Franco-German Program Mon, 24 Jun 2019 18:12:28 +0000 Future Combat Air System FCAS

Many feel that the FCAS (Future Combat Air System) is a Mission Impossible when one focuses on how much money — $4 billion by 2025 is to be jointly allocated by France and Germany.
