Stories by Christina Mackenzie

French, German defense ministers throw support behind future tank effort

French, German defense ministers throw support behind future tank effort
French, German defense ministers throw support behind future tank effort

After a high-level meeting, both stressed a separate European Defense Fund effort is no competition for the Main Ground Combat System.

India, France increase defense ties with new Rafale jet and submarine buys

India, France increase defense ties with new Rafale jet and submarine buys
India, France increase defense ties with new Rafale jet and submarine buys

As part of Modi’s visit to France, the two countries released a document entitled “Horizon 2047,” about the future collaboration between the two sides — including on defense issues. 

France’s Frankensub: How a damaged nuclear sub was repaired with leftover parts

France’s Frankensub: How a damaged nuclear sub was repaired with leftover parts
France’s Frankensub: How a damaged nuclear sub was repaired with leftover parts

As a result of the procedure, the Perle is now 75 meters long, more than a meter longer than it was pre-surgery.

Thales looks to new air defense capabilities after watching Ukraine, shows off radar

Thales looks to new air defense capabilities after watching Ukraine, shows off radar
Thales looks to new air defense capabilities after watching Ukraine, shows off radar

The war in Ukraine has emphasized the need to defend against “a wide spectrum of threats,” company exec Christophe Salomon told Breaking Defense.

What is MBDA’s ‘Expendable Remote Carrier,’ the unmanned aide for the SCAF next-gen fighter?

What is MBDA’s ‘Expendable Remote Carrier,’ the unmanned aide for the SCAF next-gen fighter?
What is MBDA’s ‘Expendable Remote Carrier,’ the unmanned aide for the SCAF next-gen fighter?

The 400 kilogram, four-meter-long carrier “could be launched from any platform: an aircraft, a ship, a submarine, a vehicle or a drone,” MBDA’s Jean Judde de Larivière said.

Belgium to join Franco-German-Spanish SCAF next gen fighter effort

Belgium to join Franco-German-Spanish SCAF next gen fighter effort
Belgium to join Franco-German-Spanish SCAF next gen fighter effort

In addition to Brussels’s nascent inclusion in the fighter project, the French president revealed other, major joint weapons investments.

New French drone, Aarok, unveiled at Paris Air Show

New French drone, Aarok, unveiled at Paris Air Show
New French drone, Aarok, unveiled at Paris Air Show

Patrick Gaillard, director general of the company, told Breaking Defense that the prototype “was finished just a few weeks ago and hasn’t yet flown.”

Historic German national security strategy sees beyond military

Historic German national security strategy sees beyond military
Historic German national security strategy sees beyond military

Wide-ranging document states bold ambition but lacks details for implementation, analysts say.

Arquus, French land vehicle firm, sees annual earnings fall, long-term production concerns

Arquus, French land vehicle firm, sees annual earnings fall, long-term production concerns
Arquus, French land vehicle firm, sees annual earnings fall, long-term production concerns

Arquus CEO Emmanuel Levacher said that in order to meet the objectives of the “war-time economy” called for by President Emmanuel Macon, mainly to produce more equipment, faster and cheaper, “we need visibility to enable us to anticipate and would rather have a firm contract to produce one vehicle a month for 30 months than lots of small contracts.”

France races for small suicide drones after seeing effectiveness in Ukraine

France races for small suicide drones after seeing effectiveness in Ukraine
France races for small suicide drones after seeing effectiveness in Ukraine

The French military recently narrowed a field of 19 competitors to two in a race for hundreds of small, deadly UAVs.

Inside world’s largest supersonic wind tunnel, amid global scramble to test hypersonic, jet tech

Inside world’s largest supersonic wind tunnel, amid global scramble to test hypersonic, jet tech
Inside world’s largest supersonic wind tunnel, amid global scramble to test hypersonic, jet tech

Even with the rise of digital analysis for weapon development, nothing can replace old-fashioned wind tunnels for real-world testing of cutting-edge platforms.

The cost of neutrality: Swiss defense industry ‘just losing our market’ amid Ukraine conflict

The cost of neutrality: Swiss defense industry ‘just losing our market’ amid Ukraine conflict
The cost of neutrality: Swiss defense industry ‘just losing our market’ amid Ukraine conflict

Under pressure from local industry and international allies, the Swiss government is considering measures to relax its rules on the re-export of arms.

After Ukraine, French air force zeroes in on anti-drone strategy: Air chief

After Ukraine, French air force zeroes in on anti-drone strategy: Air chief
After Ukraine, French air force zeroes in on anti-drone strategy: Air chief

Gen. Stéphane Mille held a wide-ranging discussion with reporters, talking Ukraine, drones, nuclear deterrence and a new fighter jet strategy.

What Ukraine wants from France: Munitions, training, air defense and, maybe, fighter jets?

What Ukraine wants from France: Munitions, training, air defense and, maybe, fighter jets?
What Ukraine wants from France: Munitions, training, air defense and, maybe, fighter jets?

Ukrainian Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov traveled to Paris for talks with counterparts, and came away with more firepower.

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